I'm starting to feel more... better? I meet new people everyday, which is exciting. But a big part of me wants to go back into the arms of my best friends. :( I've known suh, chea and dan since 2nd grade. (Which is 8 years,) and i've known the rest since middle school. <3 Naniways, there are really nice friends in kis, and they are really supportive! :) I'm having a hard time right now adjusting to the studies here. Koreans are insanely good at math.. (lol i mite sound stereotypical but its true.) There are lots of tests here too.. :(
Well it might be because I've been following the same studies in Malaysia for 8 years.. So I guess I'm more used to that..
Oh and because kis is an eco-friendly school, we do lots of work on our macs. It's really different because everyone just has their computer out in class instead of pens and paper! :P
I also missed out on few homework's because I didn't know the wikispace homework system.. :(
But it's my responsibility.. soo yeah.
I really miss my old friends. Resh, Suh, Dan, Meghna, Chea, Shai! :( They mean a lot to me! :/
Part of me just wants to run all the way to Mon't Kiara. :/ I can seriously remember everything there.